Telephone: 01785 850 226 Out of Hours: 111

23 High Street,
Stafford, ST21 6BW

Repeat Prescriptions and Dispensary

Some prescriptions are authorised by your doctor as a repeat.

This means that you can obtain further supplies without seeing the doctor first. Prescriptions obtained for acute illnesses are not repeat prescriptions. You can tell if you have an authorised repeat because the details will be printed on the white tear off slip attached to your prescription or for online users the medication will be available for you to order online. This will specify medication that is on repeat, the date you last had a repeat of a particular medication and the review date.

It is the policy of this Practice to issue prescriptions for a maximum of 28 days supply.

Crown Surgery Dispensary

Did you know that the Crown Surgery has its own dispensary for eligible patients?
Can I Use the Crown Surgery Dispensary?

How to Order Your Prescriptions

  1. Online Ordering:
    We recommend that you use the NHS App to order your repeat prescriptions. Further guidance on this service can be found at Ordering a prescription NHS account help and support. You can also use the Patient Access website as an alternative method.
  2. By Post:
    Post the counterfoil of the prescription document clearly marking with a tick the medication you require to the surgery, enclosing a stamped self addressed envelope. If posting please remember to give at least one weeks notice for a first class stamp and longer if using second class. Crown Surgery Address.
  3. In Person:
    Simply place your counterfoil of the prescription document clearly marking with a tick the medication you require into one of the post boxes at the Surgery. There is one near the main entrance to the building from the car park or alternatively you can post it through the front door situated on the high street

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When will my Prescription be ready?

Please allow three working days for collecting repeat prescriptions and five working days by post, if you provided a self addressed envelope:










Thursday (see Note 3 below)






























Note 1: Patients can order from 7 days in advance.

Note 2: Please request repeat prescriptions well in advance of public holidays, etc.

Note 3: The practice is closed for training purposes once a month on a Thursday from 1pm.

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Collection Points

Patients can either collect their prescription from the surgery or a chemist of their choice.

Eligible patients can collect their prescription from the Crown Surgery Dispensary.

In order for prescriptions to be collected from a chemist, patients need to register at their chemist of choice for the 'Prescription Collection Service'. Once the Chemist has agreed to collection on your behalf, Patients then need to instruct the Practice which must be in writing - forms are available from most chemists.

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The Crown Surgery is a busy dispensing practice.

Can I Use the Crown Surgery Dispensary?

If you live more than one mile from a pharmacy, you may be eligible to have your prescription dispensed at the Practice. Unfortunately, for legal reasons, we are unable to dispense for patients who live within a mile of a privately owned pharmacy, unless they are eligible for medical reasons.

To find out more please see Crown Surgery Dispensary.

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Changes to your Repeat Prescription List

Changes can only be made with the GP’s permission and will take longer than the usual two days to process.

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Medication Reviews

At The Crown Surgery we offer two types of reviews, one with a GP and one with a member of the Dispensing Team (Can I Use the Crown Surgery Dispensary?), we encourage patients to ensure they attend for these when invited.

Medication Review with a GP

If you are receiving repeat medication, good safe practice requires you to have medication reviews with a GP from time to time depending on the medication you are taking. This is important, to ensure the medication is working and to assess whether it is still appropriate for you. Please attend your review appointment when we contact you.

Dispensing Review Use of Medication (DRUM) with a Dispenser

If your prescription is provided by the Crown Surgery Dispensary you are eligible to have a review of your medication with our Dispenser.

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Good Medication Management is Important

Please preempt ordering prescriptions to avoid medication running out.

If you are given 28 days of tablets and you have 7 days left, order your new prescription. In the case of any emergency your regular pharmacist will give you a couple of tablets until you get your new prescription.

It is good practice that repeat medication is regularly reviewed so that you get optimum care. Please make note of the review date and make an appointment to see the doctor.

If you are going on holiday you should take a list of your medication with you. In case you have a problem ENSURE YOU HAVE ENOUGH MEDICATION TO COVER YOUR HOLIDAY. SOME COUNTRIES ALSO NEED A DOCTOR's LETTER TO EXPLAIN THE MEDICATION. Check with your travel agent. Also see Travel Health and Immunisations.

If you have elderly relatives ensure that they have an adequate supply of their medication. Dossette boxes and blister packs can be arranged if they have a large amount of medication to take.

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Useful Information

Each drug has two names, the generic and the brand name. Where possible we use the generic name because this is usually much cheaper for the health service. Due to this, you may notice a change in colour, shape or size of your drug. Do not be concerned by this, you are still receiving the same drug of the same quality, it is only the appearance that has altered.

Please book your medications review appointment at least 10 days before your medication runs out.

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Prescription Charges and Exemptions

The NHS prescription charge is a flat rate amount which successive Governments have thought it reasonable to charge for those who can't afford to pay for their medicines. Prescription prepayment certificates (PPCs) offer real savings for people who need a lot of medication.

Prescription charges and Prescription Prepayment Certificates (PPC).

Prescription charges and who does not need to pay.